52 Ancestors ….. Week 22.

Topic: Creativity

My mother “Vada” (d’Archy) Johnston was always very clever with her hands. A stay-at-home mother like most of her contemporaries, she was always knitting, crocheting or sewing something. She used to make all her own and my dresses. When my brother and I were young she went to a number of evening classes where among other things she learned to make lampshades and artificial flowers – some of the latter she then sold to a local dressmaker; they were beautiful and very realistic. I was fascinated by the process and loved watching her – she had a little bag full of sand and tools which were heated in the flame of a spirit lamp. Stamens, etc were purchased. Other tools of her trade were reels of fine wire, tiny wire clippers and scissors, and special fabric glue. Sadly I do not have any examples of her work.

It ran in the family. Her English-born mother Lily (Hunt) d’Archy did much embroidery but I think some of it was simply repairs – including to damask napkins, which I still have. Her sister my Aunt Betty d’Archy made my christening gown – ultra-fine muslim with lots of lace and tiny satin bows. It is shortly to be worn by my Great Niece .. the 6th wearer and 3rd generation.

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